Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Jump.

I am waiting on the stadium bench. Other contestants running in from their jump, the crowd cheering, which makes me more worried than before.5 minutes until the jump thinking what could happen-breathing deeply like the groaning voice of an 100 year old tree. I can’t stop shaking.

4 minutes to go shaking, like a rusty engine struggling to start up and starting to break apart, now I am doing exercising and stretching. I am putting on my studs before going on the pitch.

3 minutes; I am now walking on to the pitch I can feel my face is turning red and burning like hell.2 minutes, my captain telling me what to do.1 minute I run as fast as Usain bolt then  jump!

A Midsummers Night’s dream

This year we are putting on a play called Middsumer nightsdream written by Shakespeare. I’m moth and the Indian boy I don’t have a lot of lines but I do a lot of acting. Moth is a fairy who is in Titania’s train and is friends with her and also with cobweb. The Indian boy is happy boy but Titania and Oberon are fighting over him.

We are playing this play at are local church yard.

